Saturday, October 13, 2007

Relaxing in Singapore

For the last couple of days, I've been relaxing in Singapore. First, it was Hari Raya. I went to the Indonesian Embassy to pray Iedul Fitri. It was an experience for me. When I was in Canada, I went to Eid prayers with the Muslim community there, which was mostly non Indonesians. This time, it was mostly Indonesia, but I know nobody there.

Then I went to a party in Tampines, organized by an Indonesian community. My family and I took MRT there, but was caught in a heavy rain. We took shelter in Tampines shopping mall (forgot the name). It was not that long that the sun replaced the rain. We went to the gathering and met some people whom I knew (and gained some more friends). That was yesterday.

Today, I started the day by swimming. And now ... it's time to explore Singapore again. I brought my notebook with me to find Internet access. (Wireless@SG is great.) Well, it's time to eat lunch now.


Anonymous said...

Hai!Salam kenal ya! Kalo kamu suka berteman,bersahabat,chatting,nulis blog,posting foto,comment ke teman,dan mendapatkan duit dari semua itu,silahkan klik di sini untuk join!
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AndrA ~

patungcendana said...

Selamat Hari Raya, Budi. Love your poem...:-)